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Coming soon - a math game

 Some times I surprise myself. May be the sentence must have been in past tense. As of now, the surprises more like shocks. But some times I do get some good ideas.

Like this game shataka.( I had changed the name to hundred. Now I need to think of a catchier name) People tend to confuse it with Sudoku. But unlike sudoku, shataka is a small game. Instead of 8
1 cells in the grid, there are only 9 cells. 

And unlike sudoku, this game involves calculations - addition and lot of it. You don't just pick a number and place in a cell. You place the number if it makes the sum of row as 100 and sum of column as 100. Easier said than done. 

So now where is this brain-child of mine which I am so fond of? It is under "construction". Which means I am applying coats of makeup, then washing it off again. Try different shade etc. That is to say, I am fiddling with UI - my not such a good friend. 

The look so far.
