A simple scramble game - that was my original intention. But I needed that words to be in Kannada. Get a word list - can be inside the code Scramble the list to get random words Select a random word Separate the letters of the word Now scramble the letters of the word Display the scrambled letters Let the user click on each letter in order to unscramble it Simple. Quite simple. Only difficulty in this case - our dear mother tongue which uses two unicode characters to display a compound letter like kaa, and uses more to display a ottakshara like kka kku etc. So if the letter is any of the vowel sounds or half letter, we need to add this the the existing a character in step 4. So basically the the list size will be lesser than the string length. e.g. ಶಾಲೆಯಲ್ಲಿ must give us only four letters - ಶಾ, ಲೆ, ಯ and ಲ್ಲಿ So here is the code in Kotlin There are two kotlin files - one is viewmodel and the other i...