awk is a popular text processing utility in Unix operating system. It is useful in analyzing the text files, especially those which are organized into rows and columns. By the way, awk stands for the names of its inventors Alfred V. A ho, Peter J. W einberger, and Brian W. K ernighan who wrote it in 1977 at Bell Laboratories. Using awk Let us use a file empl.txt for the first few examples, which has names of employees, their (dummy) ids and departments $cat empl.txt Suresh 1 ADM Ramesh 2 TECH Sita 3 TECH Maran 4 ADM Shreya 5 SAL Partha 6 SAL Vandana 7 ADM Nandini 8 ADM Sudama 9 SAL First let us use awk to print only employees from ADM department. $ awk '/ADM/' empl.txt Suresh 1 ADM Maran 4 ADM Vandana 7 ADM Nandini 8 ADM Here the parameters for awk command must be written in single quotes. This should be followed by input file on which awk command must be applied. Output of the command is displayed on screen. The command '/string/' filters only those ...